Ficus Lyrata / Fiddle Leaf Fig
Ficus Lyrata / Fiddle Leaf Fig
Ficus Lyrata / Fiddle Leaf Fig
Ficus Lyrata / Fiddle Leaf Fig
Ficus Lyrata / Fiddle Leaf Fig
Ficus Lyrata / Fiddle Leaf Fig
Ficus Lyrata / Fiddle Leaf Fig

Ficus Lyrata / Fiddle Leaf Fig

Regular price $34 Unit price  per 

Tax included.


My large, dark green, leathery leaves and eventual height make me a stunning statement plant.   I like to receive bright indirect light in a draught free, warm spot with good humidity.  Water me well on a regular schedule when approx 25-30% dry, less in winter.  Rotate regularly to achieve even form. With this care plus regular leaf cleaning and feed over the growing season, I will thrive!